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I am light. I am one too strong to fight. Return to dark where shadows dwell. You cannot have this [Litle Girl]. Go away and leave my sight. And take with you this endless night. - CHARMED -
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Friday, October 29, 2010

On Paulo Coelho's story....

I've just finished reading one of Paulo Coehlo's Stories from his book "Like the Flowing River". It's about the man who died in his pyjamas. His skeletons were found on an abandoned/about-to-be-demolished housing development - and he's been dead since 1984. It took around 20 years before his remains were discovered. It's so sad to think that he died there alone and that his family, his friends even his previous employer did not even notice that he was missing. His ex-wife assumed that he has found another woman to runaway with so he did not bother to contact her. His friends whom he borrowed money with has assumed that he did not bother to contact them since he has no money to pay them. He died - alone - without someone he loved or cared for beside him.

It's a very sad ending to happen to anyone.

It's an eye opener for me. If I would die, I would want my loved ones to be there beside me so I can say goodbye properly...I don't want to die the way the man in pyjamas died.

I thank the Lord for surrounding me with family and friends who care for me so much, who gives all their efforts just to keep our communication lines open. I may have laxed on that recently but now I know what not to do...

I will never again decline an invitation to sip coffee with a friend.

I will never again miss a chance to reunite with my long lost friends, classmates & batchmates.

I will never again lost my interest in replying to their texts messages even if all
I have to text back is "Okay".

There...It's not really that hard to do, Isn't it?


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