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I am light. I am one too strong to fight. Return to dark where shadows dwell. You cannot have this [Litle Girl]. Go away and leave my sight. And take with you this endless night. - CHARMED -
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Irony of a dream

When I was a teenager, I dreamed of going to Marrakech (or Marrakesh). For me, it is a much safer version of Persia (or Iran, as there was a war going on there during my growing up years). I would love to see a whole new world different from mine, and this place has the perfect ensemble of culture, with a history that you can trace for a thousand years. Kings & Queens, Princes and Princesses flourished in every era. Yes, I would love to go there, in my foolish young demented mind, I am Jasmine and there I would find my Aladdin in a flying carpet...

Never would I imagine that this foolish dream would eventually come true...
In a twistedly ironic way...

Because just last August, by one stroke of luck,
I was able to travel and see...

Club Morocco, Subic!

Kalokang dream yan!


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