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I am light. I am one too strong to fight. Return to dark where shadows dwell. You cannot have this [Litle Girl]. Go away and leave my sight. And take with you this endless night. - CHARMED -
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

On Dengue and Myocarditis

I hope I got the spelling right.

Aj has been sick since friday. She's been having an on/off fever that usually runs during night time. Initially, we thought that she has a "pilay", and based on popular belief (w/c I don't know if factual or an urban legend thingy), pag sa gabi lang yung lagnat, malamang may pilay. So we employed the services of a manghihilot. But the fever went on and it went bad - big time! (I've been up the whole night to regularly check her temp w/c had ranged from 38.6 to 39.1) Good thing is, she's not the convulsive type, I've been up checking for signs if we will be needing to take her to the ER. But she's been tough so we endured the night.

And of course, the next day warranted th trip to her pedia. She still have sinat and i am really really losing my nerve already. Her doctor requested for a chest X-ray and an ECG (to check why her heartbeat is so fast - 130 beats/min - not normal for a 3-year old) - so she thinks it might be Myocarditis (translation according to Wikipedia: Myocarditis is inflammation of heart muscle) - but she needs to check everything out first, She also performed a path test (PPV - I think this is for Asthma / Pneumonia or something that can be related to primary complex), w/c needs to be read on Thursday or friday so AJ needs to go back by then. The Doctor also requested for a CBC to rule out dengue since according to her, dengue has no routine yet, fever can strike any time of day, can be daytime or night time, she said we need to be sure so that she will know what medicine to give.

So heto na nga, we have completed all the tests and went to ER OPD and requested them to relay the results to Dra. Sanga (as per her instruction), I was told that there is a possibility that AJ needs to be admitted and confined if the finding is really Myocarditis. Nakakaloka! It's really scary! Imagine my child having an inflammed heart muscle! Di ko yata kaya yun! After a while the ER resident doctor called us and told us that it is okay for us to go home but AJ will still be needing to have her follow up check up tomorrow. Haaist! Okay, it seems that it's not that all bad after all. I overacted there a bit, but who wouldn't?

Tonight, as I am writing this blog, AJ is sleeping tight (she should be considering all the tests that she needs to get through - not mentioning the needles! and how she cried while the nurses draw her blood samples - It has been a quite tiring day for her). Good thing is, she's doing fine now, no fever!

Still hoping here! Sana tomorrow's follow up check up will turn out fine.


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